
Nave Warfel Memorial Organ

The nave organ, built by Hermann Schlicker of Buffalo NY was installed in 1976 in a new organ case in the rear gallery of the nave. It contains 52 ranks in 44 speaking stops. Purchased through a bequest of M. Eva and Naomi E. Warfel in memory of their parents, it bears the name ‘Warfel Memorial Organ.’ Frank McConnell, then organist/choirmaster of St. James’ Episcopal Church, Lancaster, and consultant for the organ, played the opening recital on 29 November 1967. Abram Longenderfer chaired the organ committee that planned for the instrument. Digital electronic 16′ and 32′ Bourdon stops were added by Walker Technical Company under the direction of Dr. Karl Moyer in October 2000.


Chapel Organ

In May 1991 a two-manual tracker-action pipe organ of 14 ranks was moved from a private home in South Carolina to the newly-constructed St. Peter Chapel as a gift of Arthur Freiburg in memory of Theresa M. Freiburg, Mrs. Margaret Frey in memory of L. Ralph Frey, and Mrs. Helen Bucks in memory of Paul A. Bucks. Built in 1986 by Roger Pulham of Charsfield, Suffolk Co, England, in the 18th-century French style, it has recently be refurbished by the Soli Deo Gloria Organ Co. of Millersville PA and serves for weekly Saturday evening Eucharists, weekly services of Evening Prayer and for weddings and funerals held in the chapel.